Newsletter: Sorry I didn’t email you sooner

Long time no email! I hope this message finds you doing well and enjoying life’s adventures. It’s been a while since we last caught up, and I wanted to share a little something that’s been on my mind since my recent trip to Maine in search of close encounters with moose. You know me—I always find solace in escaping to the great outdoors and this time was no different. Picture this: me, roaming the vast landscapes, camera in hand, chasing after the elusive moose.

As I hiked through the wilderness, surrounded by towering trees and the crisp scent of pine, I couldn’t help but be struck by a powerful realization. You see, while I was on the hunt for those majestic creatures, I couldn’t help but notice how effortlessly they lived in the present moment. There was no worry about tomorrow or regret about the past. They simply existed, fully engaged in the now.

It got me thinking about how we, as humans, tend to be perpetually caught up in planning for the future. We’re always racing towards the next milestone, dreaming of a better tomorrow. But in doing so, we often forget to fully embrace the beauty that surrounds us in the present. We get so caught up in the chase that we miss out on the magic of the now.

It’s very hard to break free from the illusion of time and to recognize that this very moment, the one we’re living right now, is all there is. Just like the seasons, each distinct and complete, we too are whole in the present, continuously evolving and growing.

We often worry needlessly about problems that haven’t even materialized, creating obstacles in our minds that block us from fully experiencing life. But the moose, my friend, they don’t carry the weight of such concerns. They roam the wilderness, completely immersed in their surroundings, taking each step with grace and purpose.

It’s very hard to break free from the illusion of time and to recognize that this very moment, the one we’re living right now, is all there is. Just like the seasons, each distinct and complete, we too are whole in the present, continuously evolving and growing.

We often worry needlessly about problems that haven’t even materialized, creating obstacles in our minds that block us from fully experiencing life. But the moose, my friend, they don’t carry the weight of such concerns. They roam the wilderness, completely immersed in their surroundings, taking each step with grace and purpose.

So, here’s my little reminder to you (and to myself): let’s take a page from the book of nature and learn to embrace the present moment. Those worries and troubles? They’re often figments of our imagination, preventing us from fully enjoying the now. Instead, let’s allow ourselves to be present, to feel the warmth of the sun on our skin, the laughter of loved ones, and the simple joys that surround us.

As we embark on this journey, let’s learn from the moose. Let’s embody their innate wisdom, their ability to live in harmony with their surroundings. When we focus on the now, we unlock a world of wonder and possibility that has been waiting for us all along.

So, my friend, as you go about your days, remember to pause, take a deep breath, and immerse yourself in the magic of the present moment. Let’s cherish the beauty that unfolds before us and savor every precious second, for this is where true contentment resides.

Wishing you boundless joy and a newfound appreciation for the here and now.

I want to leave you with a few videos and hope you enjoy them.

I love the song we used for this video. Click here to see it and this Helderburg is available right now in Sharon Springs, NY. 
“Woke up this morning with the sunrise in my eyes.” 

Can a Defender be Stoic? I think this one can and I would love to build another one similar to it so call me if you’re ready for your Helderburg 518-788-4724.

Let’s catch up soon since I’m leaving for Moab Utah in a few days…with a dirt bike on the back so I plan on shooting a lot of pictures and videos. So excited but do call or text me if you want the current build slot we have available or the Helderburg D90 Soft Top in Sharon Springs. 518-788-4724 Click here to see the Helderburg Soft Tops Available.

PS.  I also have my personal D90 in British Racing Green with Tan Leather Interior available for purchase. 

Have a question?

Text Paul @ 518-788-4724

Text Paul @ 518-788-4724 Contact Us